Why write a blog?
There are already so many blogs out there, why contribute (or attempt to contribute) another blog to the blogosphere?
The idea of writing a blog occurred to me back during my time at James Madison University. I was going to change the world. And get all the cash monies from ad revenue. I was going to model my blog (or copy, in other words) after Ray Ortlund's Christ is Deeper Still blog, which is now hosted by The Gospel Coalition. Like many, other flash in the pan ideas and thoughts I have in the past, it quickly fizzled out. If you are interested in reading it, I am sure you can find it on the Interwebs.
Why did I stop blogging? It is probably the same reason why I have delayed starting this blog. I think a lot and as a result, believe I have much to blog about. However, too often I have found that my thoughts are incredibly emotionally charged, usually full of anger, and realized that if I blogged in my anger, it would turn many people off, and would end up conveying the wrong message as well.
I want to be sought out for conversation and engagement, not just tuned out because of my rage.
After different conversations and circumstances I have had recently, I believe I am finally ready to put my thoughts out on paper.
The content of this blog will primarily cover the following topics:
-Being an Asian American who has primarily served in a majority culture context and the journey it has been.
-Coming with terms to being an Asian American, how I view myself and how I view the world.
-Being a single man who is immersed in a culture of couples and families, and what navigating that landscape has been like.
-Learning to discover what it means to be fearfully, wonderfully, and uniquely made in the image of God.
-Random musings on pop culture, sports, being a nerd, and other things that happen to me.
I hope that this blog both challenges and encourages you wherever you may be.
The journey is long and we're all still waiting for daylight to break.
But it will.
More on that on my next post.
-A. Lin